Soul Embodiment

Soul embodiment is about the liberation and transformation of our own essence, authenticity, sincerity and inner truth. It is about body wisdom, honest presence and nervous system competence, which we radiate and thus manifest in life through our own power. Through Soul Embodiment, our issues can be resolved on a somatic level and released in every cell of the nervous system. This allows our body system to reorganize itself holistically and authentically and transform into a clear alignment.

Transform Your
Inner Gold

Each and every one of us is on an individual path of development for example through coaching, therapy, constellation work, psychoanalysis, body therapy, consciousness work, etc.

This is where my program comes in and creates space for further development of the experiences we have had so far. All the knowledge we have gained through psychological and somatic work can now be truly embodied. The reconnection to the inner child and inner infant as well as the adult catching up on a healthy prenatal and postnatal developmental phase is an important step in the trauma-sensitive body transformation. If we look into these deep layers, we can radiate our full power and enjoy our own potential with joy and clarity. When the true core of our own being becomes perceptible in everyday life and in every moment, our environment can also align itself accordingly. It is about trauma sensitivity, high sensitivity, femininity/masculinity, inner radiance, authenticity, genuineness and potential embodiment.

Transformation begins when our knowledge has arrived in the body, the breath and the voice.

Dive into your Soul Embodiment and let your inner truth shine in every cell. More details about my tools can be found here.

Do you have any questions? Then come in for a free call without obligation.

I am looking forward to meeting you. Cordially, Rebekka